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5 Recipes for Pistachio Lovers!

on March 22, 2018

Wonderfully delicious pistachio have long been cherished as the symbol of wellness and vigorous health for ages. The kernels are enriched with many health-benefiting nutrients essential for the optimum health.

Most of the pistachios sold today are coming from the Mediterranean countries. The shells partially split open during growing, making for convenient access to the small green delicious kernel inside.

When it comes to cooking, pistachios are delicious in both sweet and savory recipes. They have this sweet creamy rich taste which will add a lot to any recipe. We found some of these tasty pistachio recipes which we would love to share it with you.


Pistachio cake

This two bites pastry are butter rich and mouth watering. Its main ingredients are almond flour, ground pistachios, brown butter, lightened with whipped egg whites. Check it 


Raw Pistachio Cake

Audrey has created a cashew-free & gluten-free raw pistachios cake which you should have a look at it --> HERE

3- Pistachio Cake

Pistachio cake

Super delish pistachios cake from Here

4- Lemon and Pistachio-crusted Lamb

Lemon and Pistachio-crusted Lamb

Lamb and pistachios are always very delicious combination. Have a look at the recipe HERE

5- Pistachio Ice Cream

Pistachio Ice Cream

And of course we can't miss pistachios ice cream when we talk about pistachios! From Here

So pistachios are very tasty. You can have them raw or roasted. You can pop them in your salad, bake them, roast them or even eat them raw! They definitely make great Ice Cream, they taste overwhelming with lamp roast and they give cakes and dessert sweet and nutty flavour.


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